FDW Celebrating 29 years!!!
**important dates below**
Welcome back dancers! Welcome new FDW members! We are looking forward to another great season of dance. We have exciting plans for Showtime 2020, although Showtime 2019 will be hard to beat! Please remember to work hard, don’t compare yourselves to others, and strive to be your own personal best! Many of our classes are full, some with waiting lists, and we’ve even added some. We do have scattered openings in some classes. Don’t forget about our “Bring A Friend” program, for every “New” student you bring to “register” you will receive $30 off your tuition for the following month! Be sure to put an FDW decal on your car! If your car is spotted driving (not near studio, your home, or dance event), you could win $30 off your tuition the next month! 1 winner per month! Decals are just $5 and profits go toward our Scholarship fund. (Fun fact: The “Russian Split Leap/Firebird” on the decal is FDW’s Andrea!).
Florida Dance Workshop dancers had an amazing eventful summer! We are so proud of all our hard working students of all ages who attended our summer intensives! Congratulations on your hard work! Some summer highlights include, Rylee Rebol, who traveled to Atlanta to participate in the Dance Master’s of America National Convention and Competition after winning the title of “Teen Miss Dance of Florida”. She took 2 jam packed weeks of dance classes and represented FDW and her state perfectly! We are so proud of her for winning the “Best Interview Award!” Hannah Guzik served as an ASSISTANT to such teachers as Mollee Gray, at the Phoenix Fire Dance Convention. Luna Del Pino And Hanna Iverson had the pleasure of auditioning and being accepted into the Joffrey Summer Intensive. They spent an invaluable week in Miami partaking in a weeks worth of classes, where they were both recognized as class stand outs. Finally, FDW owner, Holly Legare, spent 2 weeks in NY at the University of Buffalo with the Dance Masters of America Dance Teachers Seminar. She is excited to share new amazing material with our FDW dancers.

Be sure to check the
Florida Dance Workshop Dress Code & Studio Etiquette page for your proper dance attire.
We will be placing orders during our Open House , August 10th, between 4-7! (
www.floridadanceworkshop.com) Please have hair pulled back from face, & no shirts, shorts, pants or bare midriffs for ballet classes. Please keep in mind that dancers must wear tight fitting minimal attire for certain classes. Much like working out at the gym, dancers need to have freedom of movement without clothes getting in the way…they also need to be aware of their body lines & muscle development. We do have some dancewear in stock. Be sure to put your name in all shoes etc. and check “Lost & Found” regularly.
FDW is online! All Workshop families have their own parent portal and can register, view important dates on the calendar, and pay tuition & costumes online! Be sure to keep up with Emails as we send out updates regularly! Visit the website & sign up today, If you haven’t already! We ask that you please keep the studio neat & clean. Please throw garbage away in cans, take food items out with you. Please respect your FDW property.
All observers are asked to remain in the observation area. We are one of the only dance studios to allow observers with both large windows and working tv monitors. But must keep the dance rooms and floor free for our dancers only, we do encourage parents to drop off & pick up after class. We ask that you have trust in the instructors & know that we want your child to excel as much as anyone! Please keep SIBLINGS quiet or bring them outside! Thank you.
We would like to remind you that we follow the Charlotte County School schedule! If there is no school, there is no dance school! If there is ever a question feel free to call us at 941-743-2115.
The first couple weeks are exciting yet hectic, please be patient as there could be a lot of switching around & some larger classes that will be thinned out! Please trust that we will place your child in the level to the best of their ability. Pushing your child ahead, to more adv. level, will NOT make them a more adv. dancer. They need to master the material in the proper level BEFORE moving on. We want everyone to be comfortable, & happy. This may take a couple weeks. It is better to be one of the forerunner’s in a class to build confidence, rather than one that’s struggling. We ask that you don’t compare YOUR child to others. There are various reasons THE INSTRUCTORS place students in classes & levels. Other children do not affect the training of your child. FDWs official guide is now available. We hope this gives insight & information to all our families to help keep you updated on all our visions.
Upcoming dates to keep in mind!
- FDW Open House and Dancewear Sale! Come place your orders and bring new friends! August 10, 4pm-7pm.
- Ovations and Florida Dance Company Auditions! August 17th 12pm-6pm! (Reveal/contract signing August 18th)
- FDW Fall classes begin!!! August 19th
- Ovations & Dance Company member team building Aug 24th
- Labor Day holiday (no dance) Sept 2
- “Bring a Friend” to Dance Week! Sept 9-12th!
- In Studio Master Class Sept 14th
- Ovations Comp. Team Community Performance “I Will Wait” Sept 21st
- “Wear Your Old Costume” to dance week Sept 23-26
Thank you for being a part of our FDW family! It’s going to be a great year!
Holly, Michelle, Andrea, Alicia, Margaux and office staff